If you are under 18 years old, living in a country where gay sex is prohibited, or offended by gay sex then please leave this site immediately. Also, there will be i[ń]cest themes in some stories. Definitely not safe for work. Comments are welcome. Inform me if you own some of the pictures I will upload here and you want them removed Contact me at jockwonderlust@hotmail.com or twit me at @jwl_writerPH.

REMINDER: The world of fiction where the characters of my blog reside is void of the realities of HIV and STI. In the real world where we live in, HIV and STIs exist. This blog is merely an escape from that world, so that I can release my subconscious, which is full of crazy and messy sex fantasies. The scenes in these stories should never be recreated in real life. Guys, never ever attempt barebacking (if not using PrEP), rape or other unsafe sex acts. SECURE CONSENT. USE CONDOMS. GET TESTED. EDUCATE YOURSELF.

Monday, July 29, 2024

[SS-1418] Merman's Bride


The pro diver finally surfaced above the water. He swam to the platform. He looked really tired.

His assistant looked at his watch after pulling him up. "Wow, you've been down there for five hours."

The diver smiled exasperatedly, "ugh. There were five of them today."

"Hahaha, must be fun for you," the assistant joked while hosing him with water.

"It is, but after the whole mating thing, I get so exhausted. I think I'm going to sleep the whole day tomorrow," the diver replied.

The assistant looked at the diver hungrily. The diver sported an athletic physique. He also filled in his maroon speedo nicely.

The diver turned around, so the assistant could clean his backside.

"Oh, you still have traces of their fins," the assistant noted.

The diver chuckled, "I can still smell their scent."

"So, anything new happened today?" the assistant asked.

"Same old, same old..." the diver said, "when I got deep, my main mermain got to me and kissed me so I can breathe under water. Then his four merfriends came. They kissed and worshiped my body as well. They took turns sucking my cock. They suck so good as their teeth are soft. Then they milked me under water. They need to eat my sperm to lay eggs."

"Haha, sounds really hot," said the assistant.

"Yeah, it was all just leisurely swimming, until I became the merman's bride," the diver said.

"Well, let me know if you need a human's touch," the assistant said, putting the host away.

"Haha they don't have penises so yeah, I need a human touch," then the diver skinned his speedo off, "make me pregnant."

The assistant excitedly pulled his compression pants down and started fucking the hot diver. It was worth the five hour wait.


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