If you are under 18 years old, living in a country where gay sex is prohibited, or offended by gay sex then please leave this site immediately. Also, there will be i[ń]cest themes in some stories. Definitely not safe for work. Comments are welcome. Inform me if you own some of the pictures I will upload here and you want them removed Contact me at jockwonderlust@hotmail.com or twit me at @jwl_writerPH.

REMINDER: The world of fiction where the characters of my blog reside is void of the realities of HIV and STI. In the real world where we live in, HIV and STIs exist. This blog is merely an escape from that world, so that I can release my subconscious, which is full of crazy and messy sex fantasies. The scenes in these stories should never be recreated in real life. Guys, never ever attempt barebacking (if not using PrEP), rape or other unsafe sex acts. SECURE CONSENT. USE CONDOMS. GET TESTED. EDUCATE YOURSELF.

Friday, July 22, 2016

[SS-166] Searching Spouse


The sun was about to set in the island paradise she was spending her vacation in. She was already tired. But she had to to find him for they were scheduled to go back to the city tomorrow.

With the printed photo of his latest facebook profile picture that she held in her hand, she asked people about him. She had not seen him since that morning. She woke up and found that he was no longer by her side on the hotel bed.

"Have you seen him?" she asked all tourists and dwellers she came upon.

Finally, one of the market vendors recognized her husband from the image of him standing atop of the boat with the rocky island behind him.

"Oh him," the vendor said with a worried tone, "I saw him walking with some boatmen."

"Where did they go?" she asked frantically.

The vendor pointed to the area of the shore where the parked boats were standing side by side.

Her heart thumped in every step. She was scared that something have happened to him. She hoped not. Not during their honeymoon.

As she walked to the place, she heard guttural moans of three men. She instinctively went there and gasped at what she found.

Her husband was naked, knees and elboes bent and prone on a boat. One boatman was fucking his ass, the other his mouth.

From the sounds of pleasure created by the man she just found, she knew she had already lost her husband.

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