If you are under 18 years old, living in a country where gay sex is prohibited, or offended by gay sex then please leave this site immediately. Also, there will be i[ń]cest themes in some stories. Definitely not safe for work. Comments are welcome. Inform me if you own some of the pictures I will upload here and you want them removed Contact me at jockwonderlust@hotmail.com or twit me at @jwl_writerPH.

REMINDER: The world of fiction where the characters of my blog reside is void of the realities of HIV and STI. In the real world where we live in, HIV and STIs exist. This blog is merely an escape from that world, so that I can release my subconscious, which is full of crazy and messy sex fantasies. The scenes in these stories should never be recreated in real life. Guys, never ever attempt barebacking (if not using PrEP), rape or other unsafe sex acts. SECURE CONSENT. USE CONDOMS. GET TESTED. EDUCATE YOURSELF.

Monday, August 26, 2024

[SS-1427] CEO Rooftop


The executive assistant was walking out of his cubicle from a full day of managing documents and answering emails and he was greeted to a handsome man lying on the reception sofa, wearing a business suit, with the first few buttons open.

"Hi, are you done with your work," the CEO greeted while sitting upright.

The assistant swallowed, "almost, Sir. I just have to bring some papers down to HR. And then I will go up to the building rooftop to collect some of the cloth posters I hung dry this afternoon."

"Aww. You can do that later. Let's go to dinner?" the CEO asled seductively.

The assistant mustered his composure, "Uh. No sir. I have to do this." Then he walked out.

After his sixth month working as the assistant, the CEO confessed that he liked him. They had shared a drunken one night stand and the assistant regreted it since then..he tried to be civil while his CEO kept making advances on him. He did not want to mess around but he also did mot want to lose his high paying job.

He stayed in the HR for ten minutes to give some endorsements with the papers he gave. Then he took the elevator to the rooftop.

He was surprised to find that the CEO was already there, standing with his top off. The young CEO's body was muscular.

The CEO turned to him, "why are you avoiding me? I thought we had a good thing?"

The assistant shook his head, "you're engaged sir, we can't be together."

The CEO took his hand and then pulled him while running. He jumped to the swimming pool dragging the assistant to the water.

"Fuck," the assistant panicked as his clothes got soaked in water.

The CEO laughed at him. He also jumped into the water.

The assistant, too overwhlemed with fatigue and feelings, laughed as well.

Then the CEO turned quiet and serious. "Dude. I'm considering calling off the engagement."

The assistant was shocked, "what?!"

"What happened between us in the cabin during the team building. It never really left me," the CEO murmured.

Overwhelmed with feelings, the assistant kissed the CEO who kissed back.

"We had something good," the assistant muttered.

"Can we continue having it?" asked the CEO.

"Yes. We can."


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