If you are under 18 years old, living in a country where gay sex is prohibited, or offended by gay sex then please leave this site immediately. Also, there will be i[ń]cest themes in some stories. Definitely not safe for work. Comments are welcome. Inform me if you own some of the pictures I will upload here and you want them removed Contact me at jockwonderlust@hotmail.com or twit me at @jwl_writerPH.

REMINDER: The world of fiction where the characters of my blog reside is void of the realities of HIV and STI. In the real world where we live in, HIV and STIs exist. This blog is merely an escape from that world, so that I can release my subconscious, which is full of crazy and messy sex fantasies. The scenes in these stories should never be recreated in real life. Guys, never ever attempt barebacking (if not using PrEP), rape or other unsafe sex acts. SECURE CONSENT. USE CONDOMS. GET TESTED. EDUCATE YOURSELF.

Friday, March 18, 2016

[SS-112] Angry Boyfriend


Ervin was about to walk the street to his house when a black car stopped in front of him and blocked his way.

A shirtless man got out and pointed at him, "you stay away from my girl, you perv!"

Ervin held out his hands, "what? I don't know who you are and I don't know who your girl is!"

"I saw you coming out with my girl last friday night from a bar!" he growled.

Ervin remembered. "Oh yeah... that girl she-- ARGH!"

Ervin blacked out and fell on the street concrete. He was punched by the angry man.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Ervin bellowed, "your girl was drunk. She needed help getting out and getting a taxi! I wouldn't perv on her. I'm gay, you idiot!"

The man looked surprised, "I'm sorry man. I'm so sorry..." He held out his hand, "let me help you up."

Ervin took his hand and pulled it to stand up.

The man touched his face, "are you alright? I'm really sorry."

"I'll be fine. I need to go home now," Ervin muttered grimly.

"Let me support you," the man said throwing an arm around him and assisting him as they walked inside his house.

Ervin dropped himself on the sofa, "man. Your relationship must be on the rocks for you to just punch a man out of the blue like that."

The man looked down, "yeah you're right. My girl's been flirting around behind my back. I've become very paranoid."

"I can tell." Ervin touched his sore cheek. He stared at the man in front of him. It was only then when he realized that the man packed serious muscle and was amazingly ripped.

The stud smirked, "hey, let me make up to you."

Then the hunk suddenly bent down and kissed his lips.

Ervin was surprised but then responded with fervor.

The man smiled as they parted, "maybe I should leave my two timing girlfriend. You seem like a nice person to have a relationship with."

Ervin chuckled as he pulled down the hunk's red shorts, "oh yeah. I'm real nice. Let me help you make up your mind."

He sucked the studs large cock. Probably, getting punched is not so bad at all.

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