The new emperor is young, only a few years over twenty. However, he was a very active ruler. His goals for his empire was to forge partnerships with small and large kingdoms, so that they can have more access to resources and political support in times of crisis.
Because of this objective, the emperor had to be out and traveling most of the time. He had a good army who always guarded the empire while he is gone. Also, his advisers were competent in ruling while in his absence.
There was one member of the army who always stood and waited for the emperor. He would walk around the palace. Morning, afternoon, or evening. He would always be seen working.
The soldier was young. He often works with his upper body exposed. He had a ripped physique. He had a sword on one hand, ready to fight, and an umbrella on the other, to protect his pristine skin from the sun.
He never waned from working and waiting. He only took hour long naps and quick food breaks. He was the official welcomer of the emperor. He had to be awake when the emperor comes.
To those in the army aside from the welcomer who are awake to see this moment, the emperor will look for the welcomer. And the welcomer will meet him with a very tight hug. Then a very ardent kiss.
The reason why the welcomer is so patient in waiting is because he is the king's lover. And it is not a secret.
The emperor was happy to meet his lover again. He did not waste time and led him to his room. Soon, the emperor was tasting the welcomer's delectable body and riding his hard tool.
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