If you are under 18 years old, living in a country where gay sex is prohibited, or offended by gay sex then please leave this site immediately. Also, there will be i[ń]cest themes in some stories. Definitely not safe for work. Comments are welcome. Inform me if you own some of the pictures I will upload here and you want them removed Contact me at jockwonderlust@hotmail.com or twit me at @jwl_writerPH.

REMINDER: The world of fiction where the characters of my blog reside is void of the realities of HIV and STI. In the real world where we live in, HIV and STIs exist. This blog is merely an escape from that world, so that I can release my subconscious, which is full of crazy and messy sex fantasies. The scenes in these stories should never be recreated in real life. Guys, never ever attempt barebacking (if not using PrEP), rape or other unsafe sex acts. SECURE CONSENT. USE CONDOMS. GET TESTED. EDUCATE YOURSELF.

Friday, May 6, 2016

[SS-133] Bullied Attraction


Harris was worrisome as he rummaged through the garbage container.

Once again, he was punked by his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend who did not seem to be welcome with him being with his girl a few weeks after their break up.

Because he and the ex went to the same college, Harris has experienced various forms of bullying. From childish wedgies to online defamation.

This time, the ex got his clothes while he was showering after gym class. Harris discovered that they were lost when he got out of the cubicle. His classmates told him that the bully threw them to the dumpster.

While he was weeding out items in the trash, Harris heard a menacing baritone laugh.

He looked back and saw it was Brekker, the ex-boyfriend.

"You look pathetic," Brekker jeered.

"Fuck you! What is wrong with you?!" Harris growled as he walked to his bully.

"Why?! You don't like to parade around your sexy muscular body? I thought, that's how you stole my girlfriend from me?" Brekker countered.

Harris held out his arms and showed his muscular torso as all he was wearing was very short black shorts. "Oh yeah? You wanna see me like this? You like my body, huh? You faggot?!"

To his surprise, Brekker lounged at him, embraced him tightly and kissed him.

At first, Harris was struggling from his bully, but the way he was hungrily kissed was too passionate. He let go and kissed back.

Brekker smiled as they parted, "gawd. I couldn't help it. You're so sexy. Your girlfriend hurts me by telling me all the details of what you do in bed. At first, I was jealous of you and insecure of how inadept I am at sex. But later, I got curious. I wanna experience how you do your sex. These punks are just ways for me to get your attention."

Harris smirked, "well you should have kissed me the first time. Then maybe, we could have had our time in the bed earlier."

"Gawd. You're so sexy Harris. I'm turning gay. I can't help feeling jealous everytime she tells me about how glorious you fuck her," Brekker muttered.

"Give me my clothes back, take me to your house and I'll fuck you there," Harris offered, then winked, "deal?"


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